Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Most Holy Trinity

For May 26, 2013 which is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: O God Almighty Father
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Benedicta sit
  4. Kyrie VIII
  5. Gloria VIII
  6. Gradual: Benedictus es, Domine
  7. Alleluia: Benedictus es, Domine
  8. Credo IV
  9. Offertory: Benedictus sit
  10. Offertory hymn: Jam Sol Recedit
  11. Sanctus VIII
  12. Agnus Dei VIII
  13. Communion: Benedicimus Deum with Tob. 13
  14. Recession: Firmly I Believe And Truly (tune: Halton Holgate)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

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