Pope learns of diversity of Malaysian Church
(02 June 08 - RV) Bishops from the South East Asian Nation of Malaysia begun their Ad Limina pilgrimage to Rome Monday.

There are around 800,000 Catholics in Malaysia - approximately 3% of the total population. The country is divided into nine dioceses including three archdioceses, Kuala Lumpur, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. We spoke to the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur MURPHY PAKIAM about his meeting with the Holy Father:
"The Church in Malaysia is diverse, it has four races, four languages four cultures. The Holy Father was happy to hear that we are forming them into a community of God's people and bringing them to well beyond their racial, linguistic, cultural barriers to form one community of God's people. Then he was surprised and happy to know that our priests have to speak at least three languages to preach the World of God to the people. He understands very well when I said that we have no time to teach them Latin and that this great move that is in Europe to bring Latin back does not work for people in the small young Church in Malaysia. He was surprised to hear of missionaries coming as far as Malaysia in the attempts to bring the Tridentine rite here. He was happy to learn also that we are moving a lot with inter-religious dialogue, more than dialogue of coming together of religious leaders because we are Hindus, Sheiks, Buddhists Muslims and so forth and he was happy that I had gone for a trip to China and that there was more than just talk of building relationships of friendships among the different religious leaders, because it is a good way of proceeding to put into action the Churches teaching in Nostra Aetate".
Comment from the source who sent this: "The transformation of the Catholic Church in Malaysia into some sort of Malaysian Catholic Church. How insular. Aiya, make friends with everyone else but alienate other Catholics. Pls la... too many languages? Unite them all with Latin la... Sometimes I wonder what they are thinking and what the nuncio is thinking, creating an insular, under-trained priesthood. When the Pope speaks, they always think 'Hey, this is all and good, but it does not apply here.'. What rubbish. If the Catholic Church chooses to open a branch, I'll join. The Malaysian Catholic Church, like the Chinese Catholic Church (Communist) can go to hell."
On another note, have a look at the video below which was highlighted by Fr. Tim Finnigan with the title "Multicultural Youth Mass at Lourdes" by......surprise, surprise....the SSPX.
Read Fr. Finnigan's account about his experience here. I wonder, if the young French children at Lourdes have no problems with Latin, why does our archbishop here thinks that Asian children, youth and adults would have problems with it?
The hardest part to swallow of His Grace's statement is very similar to that said a while ago by a Japanese Cardinal...insinuating that the young have an insurmountable task to learn Latin, and perhaps that we Asians are too stupid to read or write in romanized alphabets.
Many Asians often feel insulted by our own clergy/bishops when they literally deny us of our heritage as Latin-rite Catholics on the excuse that we are simply too 'yellow' or 'brown' to make sense of it. Very little mention is made here of the fact that if not for St Francis Xavier, there would not be any Latin-rite Christians in this part of the world. And that with all this 'foreign' Christianity, Catholicsm had thrived.
If not for the Church, many of our political leaders here would not have been educated, given the best health care and been taken care of by Infant Jesus nuns, Redemptorists and Jesuits. Catholicsm has been a civilizing force in Malaysia and Singapore, but today we have been reduced to a mere memory.
Spot on, and these spineless bishops that tell lies to the Holy Father are only making things worse. Soon, there might not even be any more memory left either.
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Hello credo,
Mind to introduce yourself and your blog(s), if any?
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