For Jan 1, 2023 which is the Octave Day of the Nativity of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, we are going to sing the following:
- Procession: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Asperges me
- Introit: Puer natus est nobis
- Kyrie VIII (De angelis)
- Gloria VIII
- Gradual: Viderunt omnes
- Alleluia: Multifarie olim
- Credo III
- Offertory: Tui sunt caeli
- Offertory hymn: Jesu Redemptor Omnium
- Sanctus VIII
- Agnus Dei VIII
- Communion: Viderunt omnes with Ps. 97
- Communion hymn: Resonet In Laudibus
- Recession: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name