- Responsorium I: Domine audivi
- Responsorium II: Eripe me, Domine
- Responses to Ecce lignum Crucis in ascending tone: Venite adoremus (1) (2) (3)
- Improperia: Popule meus (during solemn adoration of the Cross)
- Antiphon: Crucem tuam (during solemn adoration of the Cross)
- Hymn: Crux fidelis (during solemn adoration of the Cross)
- Antiphon I: Adoramus te Christe (when the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the altar)
- Antiphon II: Per lignum (when the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the altar)
- Antiphon III: Salvator mundi, salva nos (when the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the altar)
- Communion: Psalm 21
Click on the links to hear samples where available.