Saturday, June 30, 2012

Novena to the Holy Ghost for the SSPX General Chapter

The Society of St Pius X's General Chapter will take place at St Pius X Seminary in Econe, Switzerland from 9-14 July, following a retreat for the participants (the General Council and the SSPX's major superiors).

The SSPX has invited the faithful, religious and clergy to join the members of the SSPX in a novena to the Holy Ghost from June 30 to July 8. The novena will consist of praying the Veni Creator Spiritus with the addition of 2 invocations:

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. (3 times)
St. Pius X, pray for us.

Here is the text of the Veni Creator Spiritus with translation.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

For July 1, 2012 which is the feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Hail, Jesus, Hail
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Redemisti nos, Domine
  4. Kyrie II (Fons Bonitatis)
  5. Gloria II
  6. Gradual: Hic est qui venit
  7. Alleluia: Si testimonium
  8. Credo III
  9. Offertory: Calix benedictionis
  10. Offertory hymn: O bone Jesu (M.A. Ingegneri)
  11. Sanctus II
  12. Agnus Dei II
  13. Communion hymn: Anima Christi
  14. Communion: Christus semel
  15. Recession: By The Blood That Flowed From Thee (SBH1918#169)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Nativity of St John the Baptist

For June 24, 2012 which is the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, a first class feast superceeding the 2nd class 4th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: O Jesus, In Thy Heart Divine
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: De ventre matris meae
  4. Kyrie VIII
  5. Gloria VIII
  6. Gradual: Priusquam te formarem
  7. Alleluia: Tu, puer, propheta Altissimi
  8. Credo I
  9. Offertory: Iustus ut palma florebit
  10. Offertory hymn: Ut Queant Laxis
  11. Sanctus VIII
  12. Agnus Dei VIII
  13. Communion hymn: O Esca Viatorum
  14. Communion: Tu, puer, propheta Altissimi
  15. Recession: Salve Regina (solemn tone)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Feastday!

Thy Heart, O good Jesus, is a precious treasure, a precious pearl which we have found by digging the field of Thy Body. - St. John Eudes

External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

For June 17, 2012 which is the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Father has decided to celebrate the External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, since the chapel is dedicated to the same. Thus, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: To Jesus' Heart, All Burning
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Cogitationes cordis eius
  4. Kyrie VIII (De Angelis)
  5. Gloria VIII
  6. Gradual: Dulcis et rectus Dominus
  7. Alleluia: Tollite iugum meum
  8. Credo IV
  9. Offertory: Improperium exspectavit
  10. Offertory hymn: Cor, Arca Legem Continens
  11. Sanctus VIII
  12. Agnus Dei VIII
  13. Communion hymn: Lauda, Jerusalem
  14. Communion: Unus militum
  15. Recession: To Jesus Christ, Our Sov'reign King
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Friday, June 08, 2012

External Solemnity of Corpus Christi

For June 10, 2012, we will be celebrating the external Solemnity of Corpus Christi instead of 2nd Sunday after Pentecost:
  1. Procession: Come Down, O Love Divine (tune: Down Ampney)
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Cibavit eos
  4. Kyrie IV (Cunctipotens Genitor Deus)
  5. Gloria IV
  6. Gradual: Oculi omnium
  7. Alleluia: Caro mea
  8. Sequence: Lauda Sion
  9. Credo III
  10. Offertory: Sacerdotes Domini
  11. Offertory hymn: Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile
  12. Sanctus IV
  13. Agnus Dei IV
  14. Communion hymn: O Salutaris Hostia XI
  15. Communion: Quotiescumque manducabitis
  16. Recession: Hail, True Victim, Life And Light (might be omitted due to procession and Benediction immediately after Mass)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.