- Procession: At The Lamb's High Feast We Sing
- Vidi aquam
- Introit: Misericordia Domini
- Kyrie I
- Gloria I
- Alleluia: Cognoverunt discipuli
- Alleluia: Ego sum pastor bonus
- Credo III
- Offertory: Deus, Deus meus
- Offertory hymn: Regina Coeli (A. Lotti)
- Sanctus I
- Agnus Dei I
- Communion hymn: O Filii Et Filiae
- Communion: Ego sum pastor bonus
- Recession: The Strife Is O'er
Attached to the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SSPX Malaysia) under the guidance of the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Second Sunday after Easter
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
"ecclesiastical karaoke"
From CNA:
London, England, Apr 14, 2011 / 05:46 am (CNA).- A Grammy winning music director has delivered a stinging attack upon modern Church music. Joseph Cullen, choral director at the London Symphony Orchestra, says that since the 1960s there has been a “glaring lack of sympathy” for “worthy sacred music.”
Writing in the April 9 edition of the English weekly The Tablet, [?!?] he praised the music used during last year’s papal visit to the United Kingdom. But he added: “Sadly such excellence is untypical of the vast majority of our Catholic churches. There is a glaring lack of sympathy for the heritage which should be the bedrock of worthy sacred music in today’s Church.”
He writes, “Low-quality material in both inspiration and facility is commonplace. Hymns are set to popular music (for example, “My God Loves Me” to the tune of “Plaisir d’amour”) with little regard to the inappropriateness of the original and well-known words.”
He also criticized the practice of a lone cantor leading the singing in parishes. “The misuse of one booming voice behind a microphone, an ecclesiastical karaoke, seems to have killed off unified congregational singing.”
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Paschal Vigil
- Canticle: Cantemus Domino
- Canticle: Vinea facta est
- Canticle: Attende caelum
- Litany of the Saints (until "Omnes Sancti et Sanctae Dei, intercedite pro nobis")
- Canticle: Sicut cervus
- Litany of the Saints (cont. from "Propitius esto, parce nobis Domine")
- Kyrie I
- Gloria I
- Alleluia: Confitemini Domino
- Tract: Laudate Dominum
- Offertory hymn: Sicut Cervus (G.P. da Palestrina)
- Sanctus I
- Communion hymn: Adoramus Te (attr. to G.P. da Palestrina)
- Communion: Alleluia (repeat after the end of Laudate Dominum)
- Antiphon: Et valde mane
- Canticle: Benedictus Dominus (repeat Antiphon Et valde mane at the end)
- Recession: Thine Be The Glory (tune: Judas Maccabeus)
Good Friday
- Responsorium I: Domine audivi
- Responsorium II: Eripe me, Domine
- Responses to Ecce lignum Crucis in ascending tone: Venite adoremus (1) (2) (3)
- Improperia: Popule meus (during solemn adoration of the Cross)
- Antiphon: Crucem tuam (during solemn adoration of the Cross)
- Hymn: Crux fidelis (during solemn adoration of the Cross)
- Antiphon I: Adoramus te Christe (when the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the altar)
- Antiphon II: Per lignum (when the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the altar)
- Antiphon III: Salvator mundi, salva nos (when the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the altar)
- Communion: Psalm 21
Maundy Thursday
- Introit: Nos autem gloriari
- Kyrie IV
- Gloria IV
- Gradual: Christus factus est
- Antiphon: Mandatum novum (antiphons 5-12 are sung only if feet washing rite takes place)
- Antiphon: Postquam surrexit Dominus
- Antiphon: Dominus Iesus
- Antiphon: Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes
- Antiphon: Si ego Dominus
- Antiphon: In hoc cognoscent omnes
- Antiphon: Maneant in vobis
- Antiphon: Ubi caritas
- Offertory: Dextera Domini
- Offertory hymn: Quis Sicut Te
- Sanctus IV
- Agnus Dei IV (end with "miserere nobis" instead of "dona nobis pacem")
- Communion: Dominus Iesus with Psalm 101: 2–3, 5, 18
- Hymn: Pange lingua gloriosi
Click on the links to hear samples where available.
20th Anniversary of the death of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre : His true face
Palm Sunday
- Antiphon: Hosanna filio David (before blessing of palms)
- Antiphon: Pueri Hebraeorum, portantes (during distribution of blessed palms) followed by Psalm 23
- Antiphon: Pueri Hebraeorum, vestimenta (during distribution of blessed palms) followed by Psalm 46
- Antiphon: Cum angelis (during procession)
- Hymn to Christ the King: Gloria, laus (during procession)
- Responsory: Ingrediente Domino (on return to the church)
- Introit: Domine, ne longe facias
- Kyrie XVII A
- Gradual: Tenuisti manum
- Tract: Deus, Deus meus
- Credo IV
- Offertory: Improperium
- Offertory hymn: Adoramus Te, Christe (attr. to G.P. da Palestrina)
- Sanctus XVII
- Agnus Dei XVII
- Communion: Pater, si non potest followed by Ps 21: 2, 3, 5, 7, 15cd, 17ab, 17c–18,
22, 23, 24, 28, 30c–31a, 31b–32 - Recession: To Jesus Christ, Our Sov'reign King
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Passion Sunday
- Procession: O Kind Creator
- Asperges me
- Introit: Iudica me, Deus
- Kyrie XVII A
- Gradual: Eripe me, Domine
- Tract: Saepe expugnaverunt
- Credo IV
- Offertory: Confitebor tibi, Domine
- Offertory hymn: Vexilla Regis Prodeunt
- Sanctus XVII
- Agnus Dei XVII
- Communion: Hoc corpus with Ps 22: 1–2a, 2b–3a, 3b, 4ab, 4cd, 5ab, 5cd, 6ab
- Recession: Crown Him With Many Crowns