Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Holy Family

For Jan 8, 2012 which is the Feast of the Holy Family (Sunday within the Octave of Epiphany), we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Kings From The Orient
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Exsultet gaudio
  4. Kyrie IV (Cunctipotens genitor Deus)
  5. Gloria IV
  6. Gradual: Unam petii
  7. Alleluia: Vere tu es Rex
  8. Credo IV
  9. Offertory: Tulerunt Iesum parentes
  10. Offertory hymn: Alma Redemptoris Mater (Solemn tone)
  11. Sanctus IV
  12. Agnus Dei IV
  13. Communion hymn: Adeste Fideles
  14. Communion: Descendit Iesus cum eis
  15. Recession: O God Of Loveliness

Click on the links to hear samples and to obtain the scores where available.

Please help Cagayan de Oro & Iligan

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Thank you so much and may God bless your kind hearts!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Midnight Mass)

For Dec 25, 2011 which is the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we are going to sing the following for the Midnight Mass:
  1. Procession: O Come, All Ye Faithful
  2. Introit: Dominus dixit ad me
  3. Kyrie VIII (De angelis)
  4. Gloria VIII
  5. Gradual: Tecum principium
  6. Alleluia: Dominus dixit ad me
  7. Credo III
  8. Offertory: Laetentur caeli
  9. Offertory hymn: Jesu Redemptor Omnium (polyphony & chant alt.)
  10. Sanctus VIII
  11. Agnus Dei VIII
  12. Communion hymn: Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile
  13. Communion: In splendoribus
  14. Recession: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Click on the links to hear samples where available

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Third Sunday of Advent

For Dec 11, 2011 which is the 3rd Sunday of Advent, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: O Come, Divine Messiah
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Gaudete in Domino
  4. Kyrie XVII b
  5. Gradual: Qui sedes, Domine
  6. Alleluia: Excita, Domine
  7. Credo III
  8. Offertory: Benedixisti, Domine
  9. Offertory hymn: Rorate Caeli Desuper
  10. Sanctus XVII
  11. Agnus Dei XVII
  12. Communion hymn: O Salutaris Hostia I
  13. Communion: Dicite: Pusillanimes
  14. Recession: Come Thou Long Expected Jesus (tune: Stuttgart)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

First Sunday of Advent

For Nov 27, 2011 which is the 1st Sunday of Advent, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Ad te levavi
  4. Kyrie XVII b
  5. Gradual: Universi, qui te exspectant
  6. Alleluia: Ostende nobis
  7. Credo I
  8. Offertory: Ad te, Domine, levavi
  9. Offertory hymn: Creator Alme Siderum
  10. Sanctus XVII
  11. Agnus Dei XVII
  12. Communion hymn: Lauda, Jerusalem
  13. Communion: Dominus dabit benignitatem
  14. Recession: Alma Redemptoris Mater (solemn tone)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Last Sunday after Pentecost

For Nov 20, 2011 which is the Last Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: O God Almighty Father
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Dicit Dominus: Ego
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis Factor)
  5. Gloria XI
  6. Gradual: Liberasti nos
  7. Alleluia: De profundis
  8. Credo IV
  9. Offertory: De profundis
  10. Offertory hymn: Cor, Arca Legem Continens
  11. Sanctus XI
  12. Agnus Dei XI
  13. Communion hymn: O Salutaris Hostia XI
  14. Communion: Amen dico vobis: quidquid
  15. Recession: Salve Regina (solemn tone)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

For November 13, 2011 which is the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: O Turn To Jesus, Mother, Turn (SBH#143)
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Si iniquitates
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis Factor)
  5. Gloria XI
  6. Gradual: Ecce quam bonum
  7. Alleluia: Qui timent Dominum
  8. Credo III
  9. Offertory: Recordare mei
  10. Offertory hymn: Salve Mater
  11. Sanctus XI
  12. Agnus Dei XI
  13. Communion hymn: O Salutaris Hostia XI
  14. Communion: Ego clamavi
  15. Recession: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Christ the King

For October 31, 2011 which is the feast of the Christ the King (last Sunday in October), we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Hail Redeemer, King Divine (C. Rigby)
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Dignus est Agnus
  4. Kyrie II (Fons Bonitatis)
  5. Gloria II
  6. Gradual: Dominabitur
  7. Alleluia: Potestas eius
  8. Credo I
  9. Offertory: Postula a me
  10. Offertory hymn: Inviolata
  11. Sanctus II
  12. Agnus Dei II
  13. Communion hymn: Benedictus Qui Venit
  14. Communion: Sedebit Dominus
  15. Recession: Christus Vincit (chorus 3x)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

For October 23, 2011 which is the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Faith Of Our Fathers I
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Salus populi
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis Factor)
  5. Gloria XI
  6. Gradual: Dirigatur
  7. Alleluia: Confitemini Domino, et invocate
  8. Credo IV
  9. Offertory: Si ambulavero
  10. Offertory hymn: Maria Mater Gratiae
  11. Sanctus XI
  12. Agnus Dei XI
  13. Communion hymn: O Salutaris Hostia I
  14. Communion: Tu mandasti
  15. Recession: To Jesus Christ, Our Sov'reign King
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

For October 16, 2011 which is the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Firmly I Believe And Truly
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Da pacem
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis Factor)
  5. Gloria XI
  6. Gradual: Laetatus sum
  7. Alleluia: Timebunt gentes
  8. Credo III
  9. Offertory: Sanctificavit Moyses
  10. Offertory hymn: Ave Maria (T.L. de Victoria)
  11. Sanctus XI
  12. Agnus Dei XI
  13. Communion hymn: Ave Verum Corpus
  14. Communion: Tollite hostias
  15. Recession: Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

For October 9, 2011 which is the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Crown Him With Many Crowns
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Iustus es, Domine
  4. Kyrie IX (Cum Iubilo)
  5. Gloria IX
  6. Gradual: Beata gens
  7. Alleluia: Domine, exaudi
  8. Credo I
  9. Offertory: Oravi Deum, meum
  10. Offertory hymn: O Gloriosa Virginum
  11. Sanctus IX
  12. Agnus Dei IX
  13. Communion hymn: Benedictus Qui Venit
  14. Communion: Vovete
  15. Recession: O Queen Of The Holy Rosary
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Why British choirs are the best

From the article: "Where Are The World's Best Choirs? Not In America"

Tom Huizenga: Back to why British choirs are so good. You hinted at it earlier when you mentioned the Church of England. I was talking to Susanna Beiser, a good friend who sings here with the Cathedral Choral Society. She says:

"It's not necessarily some vague "Britishness" either, that makes their choirs so good. I think it's worth pointing out that it's the Church of England. The Anglicans rule choral music. The Catholics, on the other hand, to whom much of the repertoire rightfully belongs, have not sustained their music traditions as well, and their choirs mostly sound bad when they're not doing some guitar mass or something. But even before Vatican II, I don't think they were keeping up. From what I hear, the Church of England is in terrible shape, attendance-wise, and now with the move by a growing number of conservative Anglicans to reconcile with Rome, the choral tradition may end up being the primary contribution of 500 years of English Protestantism."

Here are some videos of the best choirs in the world according to Grammophone magazine. I recommend you to listen with your headphones to be blown away by the quality, tone, and clarity.

1. The Monteverdi Choir - Alma Redemptoris Mater (G.P. da Palestrina)

2. Polyphony - Ave, Dulcissima Maria (Morten Lauridsen)

3. The Cardinall's Musick - Domine, secundum actum meum (William Byrd)

And my personal favourite:

4. The Sixteen - Miserere mei, Deus (Gregorio Allegri)

Beautiful Angel a.k.a. Guardian Angel From Heaven So Bright

Yours truly managed to find the hymn sheet for this lovely hymn just in time for Oct 2, feast of the Holy Guardian Angels which falls on a Sunday this year.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

For October 2, 2011 which is the 16th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Miserere mihi
  4. Kyrie IX (Cum Jubilo)
  5. Gloria IX
  6. Gradual: Timebunt gentes
  7. Alleluia: Cantate Domino
  8. Credo IV
  9. Offertory: Domine, in auxilium
  10. Offertory hymn: Cantate Domino (G. Pitoni)
  11. Sanctus IX
  12. Agnus Dei IX
  13. Communion hymn: O Esca Viatorum
  14. Communion: Domine, memorabor
  15. Recession: Beautiful Angel (SSH#176)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

For September 25, 2011 which is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Soul Of My Savior
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Inclina, Domine
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis Factor)
  5. Gloria XI
  6. Gradual: Bonum est confiteri
  7. Alleluia: Quoniam Deus
  8. Credo III
  9. Offertory: Exspectans exspectavi
  10. Offertory hymn: O Sanctissima
  11. Sanctus XI
  12. Agnus Dei XI
  13. Communion hymn: Quis Sicut Te
  14. Communion: Panis, quem ego dedero
  15. Recession: Hail, True Victim, Life And Light
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

For September 11, 2011 which is the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: To Jesus' Heart All Burning
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Respice, Domine
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis Factor)
  5. Gloria XI
  6. Gradual: Respice, Domine
  7. Alleluia: Domine, refugium
  8. Credo I
  9. Offertory: In te speravi
  10. Offertory hymn: Stabat Mater
  11. Sanctus XI
  12. Agnus Dei XI
  13. Communion hymn: Jesu Rex Admirabilis
  14. Communion: Panem de caelo
  15. Recession: Heart of Mary
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

For August 28, 2011 which is the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: O God Of Loveliness
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Deus in loco sancto suo
  4. Kyrie IX (Cum Iubilo)
  5. Gloria IX
  6. Gradual: In Deo speravit
  7. Alleluia: Exsultate Deo
  8. Credo IV
  9. Offertory: Exaltabo te
  10. Offertory hymn: O Maria, Virgo Pia
  11. Sanctus IX
  12. Agnus Dei IX
  13. Communion hymn: Adoro Te Devote
  14. Communion: Honora Dominum
  15. Recession: Immaculate Mary (Fatima refrain)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Monday, August 15, 2011

"Atmosphere of holiness"

From: A time of sharing at Sikh centre
TheCatholicNews - AUGUST 14, 2011, Vol 61, No 16

“I felt the atmosphere of holiness when entering the sanctuary,” commented Ms Clara Nai, a parishioner of the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

[Ed: That's what the Novus Ordo religion is about. Feelings. Imagine if everything is based on feelings, I could say something similar when I enter St. Mary of the Angels Church in Singapore, pic here. I would say I could feel the atmosphere of emptiness or void. Neither does the grotesque-looking figure of "Christ" suspended in mid-air helps one to pray either.]

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Eucharistic "Danny Boy" Prayer

From the blog of Fr. Z:

From a reader:

That is strange.

Last weekend we had a visiting priest and something strange happened.
He sang the first part of the Eucharistic prayer to the tune of “Danny Boy”. Well, needless to say most of us were a little more than thrown off by this priest’s crooning. He had a good voice but it was so strange. After mass it was explained to several of us that chanting is acceptable and this was just another musical version of the prayer, like the chant. Can a priest set the prayers of mass to whatever tune it suits him?

Weird. And wrong.

Singing the Eucharistic Prayer to the tune of “Danny Boy” is reason #24456 for why we needed Summorum Pontificum.

And would I be right in assuming that this was a Mass “facing the people”? And that the priest was….not particularly young?

While there are approved liturgical books with musical notation for the Eucharistic Prayer, there is no one approved way to sing it. Sadly, some priests and bishops have made up their own versions. Results vary. Priests are wise to stick to approved books, in my humble opinion, or at the very least stick closely to the model of sacred chants of our tradition.

Music for Mass is not a mere ornament, external to the liturgical action. We cannot simply change it arbitrarily. It is of the essence of the liturgical action, and integrating part of the liturgical action. Music for Mass must be artistic and sacred. The texts which are set should be sacred texts proper for liturgical worship. The music should be art and in an idiom which is recognizable as sacred. That is a tricky issue, of course. Allow me to illustrate by simplification.

“Danny Boy” has a nice, sentimental tune, but there is nothing of the sacred about it. When you hear Danny Boy, you think of Irish pubs. And the more pints you have, the better you are at singing it, alone or with others. When you hear a Sousa March you think of a parade or sporting event. You don’t, however, go to a parade or football stadium and expect to hear Gregorian chant… unless of course that parade is a liturgical procession. You don’t want Sousa in church or chant at the ball game.

“Danny Boy” doesn’t belong at Mass. No matter how well the priest could sing it, the tune of Danny Boy has the wrong idiom for Mass.

I have often wondered if, in the case of priests who make up their own idiosyncratic thing, they are not making Mass about themselves. “Look at me! Listen to how clever I am!”

It seems to me that, as younger men come up in the ranks, men who are open also to our older, traditional Form of Holy Mass, this sort of thing will quickly fade.

Priests have to get themselves out of the way of the liturgical action, of what the Lord – the true Priest at Mass – is doing.

In Sacramentum caritatis 23 we read that:

… priests should be conscious of the fact that in their ministry they must never put themselves or their personal opinions in first place, but Jesus Christ. Any attempt to make themselves the centre of the liturgical action contradicts their very identity as priests. The priest is above all a servant of others, and he must continually work at being a sign pointing to Christ, a docile instrument in the Lord’s hands. This is seen particularly in his humility in leading the liturgical assembly, in obedience to the rite, uniting himself to it in mind and heart, and avoiding anything that might give the impression of an inordinate emphasis on his own personality.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

For August 14, 2011 which is the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Ecce Deus adiuvat me
  4. Kyrie IX
  5. Gloria IX
  6. Gradual: Domine, Dominus noster
  7. Alleluia: Eripe me
  8. Credo I
  9. Offertory: Iustitiae Domini
  10. Offertory hymn: Ave Maris Stella
  11. Sanctus IX
  12. Agnus Dei IX
  13. Communion hymn: Panis Angelicus
  14. Communion: Qui manducat
  15. Recession: Salve Regina (solemn tone)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Prayer request

In your charity and kindness, please join us in prayer for the speedy recovery of Father Aurelito Cacho who is having pneumonia and renal failure. He has been hospitalised since Thursday, July 14, 2011. Father used to be one of the regular visiting priests to Kuala Lumpur back in 2005. Oremus!

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!
O Mary, Mother of Priests, protect and guard thy servant!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

For July 24, 2011 which is the 6th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: By The Blood That Flowed From Thee (SBH1918#169)
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Dominus fortitudo plebis suae
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis Factor)
  5. Gloria XI
  6. Gradual: Convertere, Domine
  7. Alleluia: In te, Domine, speravi
  8. Credo IV
  9. Offertory: Perfice gressus meos
  10. Offertory hymn: O Sanctissima
  11. Sanctus XI
  12. Agnus Dei XI
    Publish Post
  13. Communion hymn: O Salutaris Hostia XI
  14. Communion: Circuibo
  15. Recession: Great King Of Kings
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Feast of the Sacred Heart

O sweet Jesus, Whose overflowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence and contempt, behold us prostrate before Thy altar eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries, to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject.

Mindful alas! that we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, which we now deplore from the depths of our hearts, we humbly ask Thy pardon and declare our readiness to atone by voluntary expiation not only for our own personal offences, but also for the sins of those, who straying far from the path of salvation, refuse in their obstinate infidelity to follow Thee, their Shepherd and Leader, or, renouncing the vows of their Baptism, have cast off the sweet yoke of Thy law.

We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; we are determined to make amends for the manifold offences against Christian modesty in unbecoming dress and behaviour, for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violation of Sundays and holidays, and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy Saints. We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Thy Vicar on earth and Thy priests are subjected, for the profanation, by conscious neglect or terrible acts of sacrilege, of the very Sacrament of Thy Divine love; and lastly for the public crimes of nations who resist the rights and the teaching authority of the Church which Thou hast founded.

Would, O Divine Jesus, we were able to wash away such abominations with our blood. We now offer, in reparation for these violations of Thy Divine honour, the satisfaction Thou didst once make to Thy eternal Father on the Cross and which Thou dost continue to renew daily on our altars; we offer it in union with the acts of atonement of Thy Virgin Mother and all the Saints and of the pious faithful on earth; and we sincerely promise to make reparation, as far as we can with the help of Thy grace, for all neglect of Thy great love and for the sins we and others have committed in the past. Henceforth we will live a life of unwavering faith, of purity of conduct, of perfect observance of the precepts of the gospel and especially that of charity. We promise to the best of our power to prevent others from offending Thee and to bring as many as possible to follow Thee.

O loving Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary our model in reparation, deign to receive the voluntary offering we make of this act of expiation; and by the crowning gift of perseverance keep us faithful unto death in our duty and the allegiance we owe to Thee, so that we may all one day come to that happy home, where Thou with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

For July 10, 2011 which is the 4th Sunday after Pentecost, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Soul Of My Savior
  2. Asperges me
  3. Introit: Dominus illuminatio mea
  4. Kyrie XI
  5. Gloria XI
  6. Gradual: Propitius esto
  7. Alleluia: Deus, qui sedes
  8. Credo III
  9. Offertory: Illumina oculos meos
  10. Offertory hymn: O bone Jesu (M.A. Ingegneri)
  11. Sanctus XI
  12. Agnus Dei XI
  13. Communion hymn: Panis Angelicus (C. Casciolini)
  14. Communion: Dominus firmamentum meum
  15. Recession: To Jesus' Heart All Burning (SBH1918#33)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Fr. François Laisney's father Monsieur Yves Laisney passed away on Saturday June 11th, 2011. Please remember him in your prayers and pray for the repose of his soul.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescat in pace. Amen.