Monday, September 09, 2024

Seven Sorrows of the BVM

For September 15, 2024 which is the first class feast of the Seven Sorrows of the BVM in the SSPX (with a commemoration of the 17th Sunday after Pentecost), we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: At The Cross Her Station Keeping
  2. Asperges me I
  3. Introit: Stabant juxta crucem
  4. Kyrie IX (Cum Iubilo)
  5. Gloria IX
  6. Gradual: Dolorosa et lacrimabilis es
  7. Alleluia: Stabat sancta Maria
  8. Sequence: Stabat Mater dolorosa
  9. Credo IV
  10. Offertory: Recordare, Virgo Mater
  11. Offertory hymn: O Maria, Virgo Pia
  12. Sanctus IX
  13. Agnus Dei IX
  14. Communion: Felices sensus
  15. Communion hymn: Adoramus Te, Christe
  16. Recession: O Come And Mourn With Me Awhile (tune: St. Cross)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

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