Monday, June 03, 2024

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

June 7th, 2024 is our patronal feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, since the chapel is dedicated to the same. Thus, we are going to sing:

  1. Procession: O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Hear (melody: Toulon)
  2. Introit: Cogitationes cordis eius
  3. Kyrie II (Fons bonitatis)
  4. Gloria II
  5. Gradual: Dulcis et rectus Dominus
  6. Alleluia: Tollite iugum meum
  7. Credo III
  8. Offertory: Improperium exspectavit
  9. Offertory hymn: Cor Jesu, Caritatis Victima
  10. Sanctus II
  11. Agnus Dei II
  12. Communion: Unus militum
  13. Communion hymn: Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile
  14. Recession: Hail, Redeemer, King Divine
  15. Benediction: O Salutaris Hostia
  16. Benediction: Litany of the Sacred Heart
  17. Benediction: Oremus Pro Pontifice
  18. Benediction: Tantum Ergo II
  19. Benediction: Divine Praises with O Sacrament Most Holy x3
  20. Recession: Christus Vincit (chorus only)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

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