Attached to the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SSPX Malaysia) under the guidance of the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Proclamation
Most Holy Name of Jesus
- Procession: Adeste, Fideles
- Introit: In nomine Iesu
- Kyrie VIII (De angelis)
- Gloria VIII
- Gradual: Salvos fac nos
- Alleluia: Laudem Domini
- Credo III
- Offertory: Confitebor tibi, Domine
- Offertory hymn: Ecce Nomen Domini
- Sanctus VIII
- Agnus Dei VIII
- Communion hymn: Resonet In Laudibus
- Communion: Omnes gentes quascumque
- Recession: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Friday, December 24, 2010
Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Midnight Mass)
- Procession: O Come, All Ye Faithful
- Introit: Dominus dixit ad me
- Kyrie II (Fons Bonitatis)
- Gloria II
- Gradual: Tecum principium
- Alleluia: Dominus dixit ad me
- Credo III
- Offertory: Laetentur caeli
- Offertory hymn: Alma Redemptoris Mater (G.P. da Palestrina)
- Sanctus II
- Agnus Dei II
- Communion hymn: Jesu Redemptor Omnium (O. Ravanello)
- Communion: In splendoribus
- Recession: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Carols Before Midnight Mass
- Adam Lay Ybounden (Ord)
- Congregation Hymn: Silent Night
- Congregation Hymn: Noel Nouvelet
- Congregation Hymn: O Little Town Of Bethlehem (tune: Forest Green)
- Congregation Hymn: Away In A Manger (Cradle Song)
- O Holy Night
- Coventry Carol
- Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming
- Jesu Redemptor Omnium (Chant)
- Procession to the Crib: Once In Royal David's City
Monday, December 20, 2010
Listen, all you bishops of the world!
From Rorate Caeli:
Monsignor Nicola Bux, Consultant to the Office of Liturgical celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff and member of two congregations then talked at length about the liturgy and the Pope’s desire of pacification. He began his intervention by saying that the French bishops, who like to interact with non-Christians, ought also to dialogue with Catholics and that they must not be afraid of the sheep of their own flock! They should confront reality and not the perception that they have of it. He recalled that the Extraordinary Form is for all of the People of God, and not just a minority, and that it ought to serve as a training for the better celebration of the Ordinary Form. He indicated that, in Italy, the implementation of the Motu proprio is done through priests. He therefore admonished priests to be courageous in the implementation of this text. Finally, he added that the refusal of the Extraordinary Form could be considered as a rupture of communion with the Pope.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Procession: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
- Asperges me
- Introit: Rorate caeli desuper
- Kyrie XVII b
- Gradual: Prope est Dominus
- Alleluia: Veni, Domine
- Credo IV
- Offertory: Ave Maria
- Offertory hymn: Ave Maria (J. Arcadelt)
- Sanctus XVII
- Agnus Dei XVII
- Communion hymn:
Ave Verum Corpus
- Communion: Ecce virgo concipiet
- Recession: Hark, A Herald Voice Is Calling
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Third Sunday of Advent
- Procession: O Come, Divine Messiah
- Asperges me
- Introit: Gaudete in Domino
- Kyrie XVII b
- Gradual: Qui sedes, Domine
- Alleluia: Excita, Domine
- Credo IV
- Offertory: Benedixisti, Domine
- Offertory hymn: Rorate Caeli Desuper
- Sanctus XVII
- Agnus Dei XVII
- Communion hymn: O Salutaris Hostia I
- Communion: Dicite: Pusillanimes
- Recession: Alma Redemptoris Mater (simple tone)
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