- Procession: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- Asperges me
- Introit: Esto mihi
- Kyrie XI (Orbis factor)
- Gradual: Tu es Deus
- Tract: Iubilate Domino omnis terra
- Credo IV
- Offertory: Benedictus es Domine
- Offertory hymn: Laudate Dominum (W. Croft)
- Sanctus XI
- Agnus Dei XI
- Communion: Manducaverunt et saturati with Psalm 77:29, 30
- Recession: Hail True Victim, Life And Light
Attached to the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SSPX Malaysia) under the guidance of the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Quinquagesima Sunday
Monday, January 11, 2010
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
- Procession: Kings From The Orient
- Asperges me
- Introit: Adorate Deum
- Kyrie IV (Cunctipotens genitor Deus)
- Gloria IV
- Gradual: Timebunt gentes
- Alleluia: Dominus regnavit, exsultet
- Credo IV
- Offertory: Dextera Domini
- Offertory hymn: Cantate Domino (G. Pitoni)
- Sanctus IV
- Agnus Dei IV
- Communion hymn: Adoro Te, O Panis Caelice
- Communion: Miranbantur
- Recession: Thou Hope of All the Lowly
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
The Holy Family
- Procession: Kings From The Orient
- Asperges me
- Introit: Exsultet gaudio
- Kyrie IV (Cunctipotens genitor Deus)
- Gloria IV
- Gradual: Unam petii
- Alleluia: Vere tu es Rex
- Credo III
- Offertory: Tulerunt Iesum parentes
- Offertory hymn: O Sanctissima
- Sanctus IV
- Agnus Dei IV
- Communion hymn: Iesu, Dulcis Memoria
- Communion: Descendit Iesus cum eis
- Recession: O Little Town Of Bethlehem (tune: Forest Green)
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