Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Fourth Sunday in Lent

For March 30, 2025 which is the Fourth Sunday in Lent, we are going to sing:

  1. Procession: Forty Days And Forty Nights
  2. Asperges me III
  3. Introit: Laetare Ierusalem
  4. Kyrie XVII A
  5. Gradual: Laetatus sum
  6. Tract: Qui confidunt
  7. Credo III
  8. Offertory: Laudate Dominum
  9. Offertory hymn: Cor, Arca Legem Continens II
  10. Sanctus XVII
  11. Agnus Dei XVII
  12. Communion: Ierusalem, quae aedificatur with Ps 121: 1-2, 5-9
  13. Recession: Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Third Sunday in Lent

For March 23, 2025 which is the Third Sunday in Lent, we are going to sing:

  1. Procession: O Kind Creator
  2. Asperges me III
  3. Introit: Oculi mei
  4. Kyrie XVII A
  5. Gradual: Exsurge Domine
  6. Tract: Ad te levavi
  7. Credo I
  8. Offertory: Iustitiae Domini
  9. Offertory hymn: Media Vita
  10. Sanctus XVII
  11. Agnus Dei XVII
  12. Communion: Passer invenit with Ps 83: 2-3, 9-13
  13. Recession: Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed (tune: Martyrdom)
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Second Sunday in Lent

For March 16, 2025 which is the Second Sunday in Lent, we are going to sing:

  1. Procession: God of Mercy And Compassion
  2. Asperges me III
  3. Introit: Reminiscere
  4. Kyrie XVII A
  5. Gradual: Tribulationes cordis mei
  6. Tract: Confitemini Domino
  7. Credo IV
  8. Offertory: Meditabor
  9. Offertory hymn: Audi Benigne Conditor
  10. Sanctus XVII
  11. Agnus Dei XVII
  12. Communion: Intellige clamorem with Psalm 5: 5-8, 12-13
  13. Recession: Blessed Lamb
Click on the links to hear samples where available.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

First Sunday in Lent

For March 9, 2025 which is the First Sunday in Lent, we are going to sing:

  1. Procession: The Glory of These Forty Days
  2. Asperges me III
  3. Introit: Invocabit me
  4. Kyrie XVII A
  5. Gradual: Angelis suis
  6. Tract: Qui habitat
  7. Credo III
  8. Offertory: Scapulis suis
  9. Offertory hymn: Attende Domine
  10. Sanctus XVII
  11. Agnus Dei XVII
  12. Communion: Scapulis suis with Psalm 90:1-3, 11-5
  13. Recession: O Sacred Head Surrounded
Click on the links to hear samples where available

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Quinquagesima Sunday

For Mar 2, 2025 which is Quinquagesima Sunday, we are going to sing:
  1. Procession: Firmly I Believe
  2. Asperges me I
  3. Introit: Esto mihi
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis factor)
  5. Gradual: Tu es Deus
  6. Tract: Iubilate Domino omnis terra
  7. Credo I
  8. Offertory: Benedictus es... in labiis meis
  9. Offertory hymn: Inviolata
  10. Sanctus XI
  11. Agnus Dei XI
  12. Communion: Manducaverunt et saturati
  13. Communion hymn: Ego Sum Panis
  14. Recession: Hail True Victim, Life And Light
Click on the links to hear samples and to obtain the scores where available.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Sexagesima Sunday

For February 23, 2025 which is Sexagesima Sunday, we are going to sing:

  1. Procession: Lorica Of St. Patrick
  2. Asperges me I
  3. Introit: Exsurge, quare obdormis
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis factor)
  5. Gradual: Sciant gentes
  6. Tract: Commovisti
  7. Credo IV
  8. Offertory: Perfice gressus meos
  9. Offertory hymn: Ave Maris Stella III
  10. Sanctus XI
  11. Agnus Dei XI
  12. Communion: Introibo ad altare Dei
  13. Communion hymn: Cibavit Illos
  14. Recession: Soul Of My Savior
Click on the links to hear samples and to obtain the scores where available.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Septuagesima Sunday

For Feb 16, 2025 which is Septuagesima Sunday, we are going to sing:

  1. Procession: All People That On Earth Do Dwell (Tune: Old Hundredth)
  2. Asperges me I
  3. Introit: Circumdederunt me
  4. Kyrie XI (Orbis factor)
  5. Gradual: Adiutor in opportunitatibus
  6. Tract: De profundis
  7. Credo III
  8. Offertory: Bonum est confiteri
  9. Offertory hymn: O Maria, Virgo Pia
  10. Sanctus XI
  11. Agnus Dei XI
  12. Communion: Illumina faciem tuam
  13. Communion hymn: Panis Angelicus III
  14. Recession: Ave Regina Caelorum (solemn)
Click on the links to hear samples and to obtain the scores where available.